
2023-11-09  来自: 武汉四维水晶石动画科技有限公司 浏览次数:553

平陆运河位于广西壮族自治区,是国 家自京杭大运河后一千多年来的第 一条运河 ,以发展航运为主,兼顾供水、灌溉、防洪、改善水生态环境等。

平陆运河连通西江航运干线与北部湾国 际枢纽海港,将短距离打通西江干流入海通道,通过左江、右江、黔江、红水河、柳江、都柳江等多条支流连通贵州、云南,实现西南地区内河航道与海洋运输直接贯通。运河建成后,将从根本上缓解西江下游通航压力,并通过铁水联运,减轻长江通航压力,远期与正在研究论证的湘桂运河衔接,将纵向贯通长江、珠江及北部湾,更好服务西南、中南地区向南入海直达东盟。

Pinglu Canal, located in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is the country's first canal after the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal for more than 1,000 years. It focuses on the development of shipping, taking into account water supply, irrigation, flood control, and improvement of water ecological environment.

The Pinglu Canal connects the Xijiang shipping trunk line with the international Shunew Seaport of Beibu Gulf, and will open the channel of the Xijiang main stream into the sea at the shortest distance, connecting Guizhou and Yunnan through several tributaries such as Zuojiang, Youjiang, Qianjiang, Hongshui, Liujiang and Durliujiang, realizing the direct connection between inland waterways and Marine transportation in Southwest China. After the completion of the canal, it will fundamentally relieve the navigation pressure of the lower reaches of the Xijiang River, and reduce the navigation pressure of the Yangtze River through the combined transportation of hot metal, and in the long run, it will connect with the Xiang-Gui Canal under study and discussion, and will run through the Yangtze River, the Pearl River and the Beibu Gulf, and better serve the southwest and central South regions to the sea and direct to ASEAN.








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Contact number:15902788822

Company Website:www.crystal4d.com

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